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The only Universal WishList plugin that’s fully integrated with

This demo includes a mock WooCommerce store with an Astra theme.
It has the for WooCommerce plugin installed with its default settings.

View the catalog page with Add to WishList buttons

View a product page with Add to WishList buttons

View a sample WishList

Search for a WishList as if you’re a gift buyer
Search for “Janice Joopjop” for an example WishList

View the store’s WishList homepage
The WishList top menu leads to this WishList homepage when the customer is not logged into When logged in, the WishList top menu leads to the customer’s “My WishLists”.

View Janice’s WishList on where friends and family and search for her WishLists.

View the store’s featured listing on

More information on the WishList for WooCommerce plugin

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